Innovation Projects

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194 results

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Skills Match - The Energy Fit

To assist unemployed/underemployed oil and gas workers to transition to more in-demand energy sector jobs.

Futureproofing the Food and Beverage Processing Workforce

The first systematic testing of a framework to help the food and beverage processing industry adapt to change.

Accelerating the adoption of Artificial Intelligence in healthcare

Shifting the mindset and educating healthcare professionals in the effective, appropriate, safe, and compassionate use of AI.

Material Handling 4.0: Building pathways to employment for disadvantaged groups

Help new and current material handlers in Hamilton to transition to new job opportunities within the supply chain sector.

Upskilling Canadian youth for in-demand tech careers

Launching low-income, young adults into IT careers by providing professional and technical skills training, job placement, and five years of post-hire services.


Creating a program to bridge the gap between employer demand and workforce attachment in Nova Scotia and PEI.

Canadian Alliance for Skills and Training in Life Sciences (CASTL)

Hub for multiple, industry-focused, and applied learning streams to acquire the academic knowledge, technical skills, and professional competencies for a career in biosciences.

Upskill and certify Indigenous child and youth practitioners

Create innovative educational opportunities that reduce barriers to Indigenous peoples’ participation and increase the number of Indigenous youth workers with postsecondary certificates who have marketable skills.

Project Connect: Technology-enabled learning for Métis communities

Project Connect will design and test an online delivery model for a professional project administrator program created for and with B.C.’s Métis community.

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