Driving innovation in skills development to prepare for the future of work

Our Latest Reports & Insights


Artificial Intelligence at Work: The Shifting Landscape of Future Skills and the Future of Work

The top barrier to AI adoption noted by Canadian businesses is a difficulty in finding employees with the necessary skills and expertise to support the integration of this technology into operations. However, if the data shows that there are plenty of AI professionals in Canada ready to work, why are employers experiencing this difficulty?

How working from home is affecting the workplace

The COVID-19 pandemic caused an enduring shift in workplace culture in Canada by dramatically increasing the number of employees who work from home. Initially, the…
Young student wearing a backpack smiling.

Reality, Education and Applied Life Skills (R.E.A.L.) School

Have questions about our work? Do you need access to a report in English or French? Please contact communications@fsc-ccf.ca. How to Cite This ReportMcDonough, L….

Our Impact

375 +

skills development projects spanning every province and territory


economic sectors represented

87000 +

Canadians receiving hands-on skills training

73 %

of projects serving underrepresented and disadvantaged groups

Our Areas of Focus

A collage of two engineers assessting a river dam, boats on water, two workers working on a solar panel, and two workers looking at vegetables in greenhouse.

1Sustainable Jobs

As Canada advances its net-zero targets, we need a skills and training agenda to support both a net-positive job growth in the economy and transitioning at-risk workers in sectors that will decline.

A collage of a person working on a tablet in front of a wall of servers, a person working on a laptop on a ship and a person working on a laptop at a construction site.

2Tech and Automation

Technological change is having a profound effect on nearly all aspects of society and the world of work. Improving our understanding of how technology is reshaping work is key to understanding the skills needed to create technology and to navigate it.

A collage of someone coding in their office, two people working on laptops laughing, and a person in a wheelchair attending a seminar.

3Inclusive Economy

Many equity-seeking groups in Canada continue to face barriers to employment and career progression. Building an inclusive workforce requires addressing systemic discrimination to ensure all workers and employers can thrive.

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