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État des compétences : L'IA au service de l'écosystème du développement des compétences

Like many economies across the world, Canadians (and Canadian employers in particular) recognize that Canada needs more skilled tradespeople. Not enough Canadians, however, appear to be interested in pursuing these careers. Rates of enrollment in apprenticeships are falling short of where labour demand is. Past efforts to increase numbers of skilled tradespeople through immigration have fallen short of their targets, with low admittance through federal programs and a lack of information available for new Canadians on how to get qualified.

Apprendre aux PME vulnérables les compétences en matière d’innovation nécessaires à l’élaboration de stratégies durables et à long terme en matière de travail à distance

Les petites et moyennes entreprises appartenant à des femmes et à des personnes handicapées ont été touchées de manière disproportionnée par la COVID-19, un pourcentage plus élevé d’entre elles ayant déclaré qu’elles n’étaient pas en mesure de poursuivre leurs activités pendant la pandémie.

Un programme pour les jeunes mamans du nord du Manitoba

Career Trek a récemment lancé le programme « M-Power North » pour soutenir les jeunes mères âgées de 15 à 25 ans dans le nord du Manitoba. 

In Motion & Momentum+ : Renforcer la résilience, l’espoir et l’avenir durable

In recent years, young people have faced difficulties in the labour market. Pandemic lockdowns impacted school and work for most young people, alongside accelerated technological change and the increasing prevalence of gig work (characterized by short-term, on-demand, and task-based labour) have all had negative impacts on quality of work for young people. 

Les jeunes nouveaux arrivants et les étudiants internationaux dans les programmes de diplômes : Assurer un meilleur avenir par la confiance linguistique

In recent years, young people have faced difficulties in the labour market. Pandemic lockdowns impacted school and work for most young people, alongside accelerated technological change and the increasing prevalence of gig work (characterized by short-term, on-demand, and task-based labour) have all had negative impacts on quality of work for young people. 

Qualité de vie au travail dans les carrières alternatives

In recent years, young people have faced difficulties in the labour market. Pandemic lockdowns impacted school and work for most young people, alongside accelerated technological change and the increasing prevalence of gig work (characterized by short-term, on-demand, and task-based labour) have all had negative impacts on quality of work for young people. 

Utiliser les connaissances comportementales pour augmenter la participation aux services d’orientation professionnelle et postsecondaire

In recent years, young people have faced difficulties in the labour market. Pandemic lockdowns impacted school and work for most young people, alongside accelerated technological change and the increasing prevalence of gig work (characterized by short-term, on-demand, and task-based labour) have all had negative impacts on quality of work for young people. 

État des compétences : Qualité de l’emploi

Like many economies across the world, Canadians (and Canadian employers in particular) recognize that Canada needs more skilled tradespeople. Not enough Canadians, however, appear to be interested in pursuing these careers. Rates of enrollment in apprenticeships are falling short of where labour demand is. Past efforts to increase numbers of skilled tradespeople through immigration have fallen short of their targets, with low admittance through federal programs and a lack of information available for new Canadians on how to get qualified.

Transformer l’acquisition des compétences et des talents dans le domaine de la cybersécurité au Canada

Rapport de perspectives de projet Transformer l’acquisition des compétences et des talents dans le domaine de la cybersécurité au Canada Technologie et automatisation, Adaptabilité des...

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