From data to decision: AI training and professional certification

Every day, people, businesses and organizations generate massive amounts of data. Those data offer huge potential for innovation, with benefits extending to every industry segment and every facet of our society—provided that we have the right digital intelligence approaches and tools to exploit them.

IVADO Training Program with its academic collaborators

That’s why new skills are required to harness AI technology in order to extract value and insight from these data and make more accurate decisions. With AI implementation in organizations, the demand for such a qualified workforce will increase. However there are currently few solutions that address the development of such skills.

Future Skills Centre is investing almost $1 million in this innovative project developed by IVADO and Université de Montréal that will offer a short-duration, online program. The training will be delivered nationally, in English and French, to provide mid-career professionals and leaders with training on how to integrate AI into organizations.

The project has four components: 

  1. Self-assessment to enable professionals to evaluate their AI skills, identify any gaps, and determine any needs their organization may have, then accurately identify among the courses offered, those that are relevant for the organization.
  2. The training path includes up to seven courses, which will also be available online: 4 basic courses applied to the steps for organization-wide adoption of AI; and 3 specialty courses to address more specific needs.
  3. For each course, professionals will have the opportunity to do an assessment. If successful, they will be provided with a professional certification from IVADO and Université de Montréal. 
  4. A data analysis mechanism on lessons learned by professionals and the overall assessment approach will be put in place to help validate relevance and effectiveness.

Evaluation Strategy

This project will be evaluated using tools and approaches aligned with its goals, context, and stage of development. The evaluation will focus on generating the right evidence at the right moment to move the intervention forward. Read more about our evaluation strategy.

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