| skills assessment

skills assessment

Health care professional providing care to a person's foot.

Best foot forward: Reskilling human resources for high-risk foot care

This project will examine the health human resources and health care needs to improve the management and treatment of foot care for persons with diabetes, as well as to enhance the efficiency of the health care system.
News Release

The Conference Board of Canada and FSC launch OpportuNext, a new online tool to simplify job transitions for Canadians

OpportuNext is a free online tool developed by the Conference Board of Canada and the Future Skills Centre, designed to help job placement professionals, jobseekers and employers quickly and easily explore viable career transition pathways.
Employee taking hand-written notes while reading from a computer screen

Assessing and developing workplace employability skills with ESAT

Development of the Employability Skills Assessment Tool (ESAT), a cloud-based tool to measure an individual’s social & emotional/employability skills.
Mentor providing learning support to mentee in a classroom.

Bridging the Gap: A Learning Platform and Marketplace for Job-seekers and Employers

A scalable system that assesses competencies (using AI based work-related tasks) and issues micro-credentials to job-seekers.
Person wearing blue hard hat and smiling

Virtual recruitment & assessment for the unionized construction industry

Project to create a virtual recruitment and assessment centre in four regions across Canada to recruit underrepresented populations into the unionized construction industry.
Person at computer with someone standing behind them looking at the screen

Best Practice Models for Industry Engagement

First Canadian test of online VALID-8 tool allowing trades apprentices to be objectively assessed by a certified journeyperson and also demonstrate what they are capable of to prospective employers.
woman sitting on luggage at the Swiss airport

Tourism Hospitality Emergency Recovery (THER)

Rapid-response project to design and test industry-specific, skills-focused recovery options for the hard-hit tourism and hospitality sector.
Two individuals pointing at a computer screen.

Assessing Canada’s Skills Requirements in the 21st Century

This project will develop a comprehensive skills framework to describe the Canadian workforce, assess the types of skills currently required by employers and offered by employees, and propose strategies for policymakers to mitigate the growing skills shortage.
A birds eye image of two construction workers working on site.

BOLD: Better Outcomes in Layoffs and Downsizing

Retraining and skills development project for manufacturing and steel workers