Tech-enabled learning programs for the mining industry
Project will be three two-week unique, demand-driven, and blended-learning training programs using VR, eLearning, simulations and in-field competency assessment. Final equipment selection will be aligned to meet the demand-driven needs of the industry partners.
Navigating a changing workforce
This project aims to provide career intelligence and access to targeted training for professionals in the public service to help them navigate the changing workforce.
Scaling up the Canadian Remote Access for Dementia Learning Experiences (CRADLE+)
The first, fully-online, multilingual education opportunity specifically designed for historically isolated, unregulated care workers.
Material Handling 4.0: Building pathways to employment for disadvantaged groups
Help new and current material handlers in Hamilton to transition to new job opportunities within the supply chain sector.
Upskill and certify Indigenous child and youth practitioners
Create innovative educational opportunities that reduce barriers to Indigenous peoples’ participation and increase the number of Indigenous youth workers with postsecondary certificates who have marketable skills.
Best Practice Models for Industry Engagement
First Canadian test of online VALID-8 tool allowing trades apprentices to be objectively assessed by a certified journeyperson and also demonstrate what they are capable of to prospective employers.
Tourism Hospitality Emergency Recovery (THER)
Rapid-response project to design and test industry-specific, skills-focused recovery options for the hard-hit tourism and hospitality sector.
Getting Beyond Non-Standard Employment: Sustainable livelihoods for Indigenous communities in Northern Canada
This research project seeks to understand why Indigenous workers in Canada’s North tend to be concentrated in part-year and part-time work, and which career pathways and supports can help them achieve more sustainable livelihoods.
Supporting Mid-Career Workers in Retail and Meat Processing
Transitioning into strong growth rate jobs