soft skills development
Enhancing skills among persons with disabilities
Persons with disabilities can enhance their employability by acquiring professional knowledge, skills, and attitudes that match labour market needs.
Core skills and rapid response
Indigenous youth benefit from this pilot, which develops a rapid customization process and core skills training that also addresses critical labour shortages.
Students’ soft skills at CCNB
To ensure students experience a successful transition from their post-secondary education to the work market, CCNB is accompanying them in the development of interpersonal and soft skills, thus contributing to meet New Brunswick’s employers’ expectations of well-qualified future workers.
CLIMB: Continuous Learning for Individuals’ Mid-career and Beyond
Mid-career workers are most vulnerable to disruption of the labour market but there is little widespread information, resources, or training to support a mid-career change.
Transition to a New Tomorrow
Unique professional development program to support mid-career oil and gas workers
Supporting Mid-Career Workers with Disabilities
Assessing tools and resources for mid-career workers with disabilities
EDGE UP: Energy to Digital Growth Education and Upskilling Project
Digital upskilling project to transition displaced energy sector workers
FUSION: Future Skills Innovation Network for Universities
A national network of Canadian universities focused on innovative skills development to prepare students for the future economy