Innovation Projects

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194 results

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CLIMB: Continuous Learning for Individuals’ Mid-career and Beyond

Mid-career workers are most vulnerable to disruption of the labour market but there is little widespread information, resources, or training to support a mid-career change.

Transition to a New Tomorrow

Unique professional development program to support mid-career oil and gas workers

BOLD: Better Outcomes in Layoffs and Downsizing

Retraining and skills development project for manufacturing and steel workers

Supporting Mid-Career Workers with Disabilities

Assessing tools and resources for mid-career workers with disabilities

Building the Skills of the Trucking Industry

The project will leverage virtual reality technology to deliver training in a way that complements varied learning styles. The virtual reality simulator is the first of its kind specifically designed for the trucking industry with AI technology and the ability to track the user’s eyes and enhance their driving skills in the unlimited replays.

Learner Shock: Preparedness of Learning

Testing strategies for addressing “Learning Shock”

Indigenous ICT Development Centre

Exploring approaches to build awareness and capacity in the information and communications technology sector for Indigenous youth and underemployed communities.

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