Innovation Projects

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194 results

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Virtual recruitment & assessment for the unionized construction industry

Project to create a virtual recruitment and assessment centre in four regions across Canada to recruit underrepresented populations into the unionized construction industry.

From data to decision: AI training and professional certification

Short-term AI-focused training intended primarily for mid-career professionals wanting to integrate new AI knowledge into their organizations.

Synergy: Workforce Development for Vulnerable Women to Succeed

Synergy is an extension of a three-year research, pilot, and knowledge transfer project aimed at advancing gender equity in the labour market.

Microlearning in the Mining Industry

Remote mine employees will learn on-the-job via mobile micro-learning, for a few minutes each day, increasing their skill levels and ensuring increased productivity.


ArtWorksTO will connect motivated, job-ready youth with clients in need of creative talent.

Facing the challenge of digital transformation in the insurance sector: women at work

Action research project on the future of female workers facing the automation of tasks in their job duties in the insurance sector.

Skills Development in SMEs for Faster Adaptation to Job Market Changes

To speed up the pace of organizational buy-in to a culture of continuing education and the pace of workforce skills development in eight Quebec regions.

Best Practice Models for Industry Engagement

First Canadian test of online VALID-8 tool allowing trades apprentices to be objectively assessed by a certified journeyperson and also demonstrate what they are capable of to prospective employers.

Tourism Hospitality Emergency Recovery (THER)

Rapid-response project to design and test industry-specific, skills-focused recovery options for the hard-hit tourism and hospitality sector.

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