| indigenous


a snowy field with northern lights.

Getting Beyond Non-Standard Employment: Sustainable livelihoods for Indigenous communities in Northern Canada

This research project seeks to understand why Indigenous workers in Canada’s North tend to be…
Three indigenious women smiling and sitting in front of a laptop in a cafe setting.

Bridging Education and Skills Gaps through Indigenous-Controlled Post-Secondary Education

This research project will investigate the role Indigenous-controlled post-secondary institutes play in helping First Nation,…
An individual stressfully holding their head up as they look at their laptop.

Learner Shock: Preparedness of Learning

Testing strategies for addressing “Learning Shock”
A young indigenous woman in a library.

Indigenous ICT Development Centre

Exploring approaches to build awareness and capacity in the information and communications technology sector for…
Youth playing outdoors with a stick and ball.

For-Credit InSTEM Program

Testing a culturally-based approach to essential employability skills training for Indigenous and Northern youth.
A young and diverse group smiling with arms around each other.

FUSION: Future Skills Innovation Network for Universities

A national network of Canadian universities focused on innovative skills development to prepare students for…
Land Acknowledgement Animation of an indigenous woman in a canoe at night.

Que sont les reconnaissances foncières et pourquoi importent-elles?external link icon

L'écrivain autochtone Selena Mills illustre l'importance des remerciements fonciers et partage les points de vue…