Research + White Papers
Unemployment in Canada: A report from the Survey on Employment and Skills
The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted employment in many ways and reshaped patterns of work. This report works to better understand the conditions that impact unemployment and...
Starting a new business in Canada: A report from the Survey on Employment and Skills
This study provides insights into Canada’s entrepreneurial landscape, highlighting regional differences, demographic disparities, and motivations for self-employment.
Teaching Green Skills What Actions Are Post-Secondary Institutions Taking?
The federal government has committed to having the country achieve net-zero emissions by 2050. Post-secondary institutions (PSIs) play a key role in helping Canada reach this goal because they equip students with the skills and know-how needed to transition to a more sustainable economy. These multi-faceted competencies are broadly considered to be green skills.
Skills and productivity: Which skills shortages are impacting Canadian productivity?
Canada has a productivity problem. Labour productivity growth—the amount of output produced per hour worked—has stalled. The Canadian economy’s labour productivity at the end of 2023 was around the same as it was in 2017. This is the second time that Canada’s productivity growth has been notably weaker than the United States’ in
recent decades, with the first occurring between 2003 and 2012.
Diabetic foot care and lower limb preservation: Evolving a value-based health care initiative in Ontario
This issue briefing examines the contextual specifics of the diabetes foot care and limb preservation (DFCLP) pathway components, providers, and care settings involved, and the patient populations they serve.
The skills to work together: Strengthening interprofessional collaboration in diabetic foot care
Which skills do healthcare professionals in Canada need to bring to interprofessional foot care teams? What are the three types of necessary skill sets for interprofessional collaboration described in this briefing?
The next frontier in Canada’s agri-food sector: Technology-driven labour and skills transitions
This report provides an overview of the technological trends and occupational employment changes in Canada’s agri-food sector.
The heart of the matter: Understanding hiring demand for social and emotional skills
This briefing looks at the hiring demand for social and emotional skills across the country for different industries and occupation levels.
Social and emotional skills in the workplace: Insights from Canadian employers
This briefing presents findings on recruiting for social and emotional skills based on interviews with human resources professionals as well as analysis of Canadian knowledge-based job postings data.