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183 results

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The heart of the matter: Understanding hiring demand for social and emotional skills

This briefing looks at the hiring demand for social and emotional skills across the country for different industries and occupation levels.

Social and emotional skills in the workplace: Insights from Canadian employers

This briefing presents findings on recruiting for social and emotional skills based on interviews with human resources professionals as well as analysis of Canadian knowledge-based job postings data.

Employers’ insights on social and emotional skills

This executive summary introduces insights into recruiting for social and emotional skills based on interviews with human resources professionals as well as analysis of Canadian knowledge-based job postings data.

Who is using generative AI in higher education?

In this research, we analyze the results of a survey of 2,401 post-secondary students in Canada on their experiences, attitudes, and challenges regarding the use of generative artificial intelligence (AI).

Hiring green: An analysis of the demand for green skills in Canada

This data briefing analyzes the demand for green skills in Canada. It assesses how often employers look for 35 different green skills and competencies when hiring.

Skills for inclusive workplaces and the advancement of Indigenous peoples

This report investigates the experiences of Indigenous Peoples in leadership positions to understand the barriers and enablers that have shaped their pathways, and the impact of diversity in the workplace.

The burden  of care: Addressing challenges in employment in the nonprofit sector

This report examines the perceptions of workers in the nonprofit sector and how these differ from workers in other sectors. Workers in the nonprofit sector have lower job satisfaction than workers in either the public or private sectors.

The perspectives of second-generation immigrants in Canada

Outcomes for second-generation immigrants are typically measured in terms of educational attainment, employment rates and income. This study finds that the experiences of second-generation immigrants cannot be easily generalized.

Navigating net-zero: Faculty perspectives on greening post-secondary curricula

To successfully transition to a net-zero economy, Canada will require workers with the skills and knowledge needed to fill green jobs, but sectors connected to the green economy face skills gaps and talent shortages around the globe.

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