| skills development

skills development

Person giving a whiteboard presentation to a group

Career Advancement for Immigrant Professionals 2.0

Help underemployed immigrant professionals overcome barriers to career advancement and help employers retain and leverage…

Future Skills Centre responds to federal budget 2022

Federal budget lays down new crucial investments for recovery, continues to build on skills investments…
stock image of two colleagues talking

Unleashing learning management systems

This project supports training and skills development needs among small and medium enterprises (SMEs) across…
Scuba diver underwater

Test the waters: Competencies for the sustainable blue economy

This research project aims to develop national standards for jobs related to sustainable use of…
worker sitting at a desk and smiling

Navigating a changing workforce

This project aims to provide career intelligence and access to targeted training for professionals in…
Aerial panorama view of Old Quebec City with the Canadian flag in front of a sunset

Future Skills Centre statement in response to federal budget 2021

The Future Skills Centre welcomes the federal government’s announcement of much-needed further investment in skills…
Group of students looking at a piece of paper and discussing.


Craft, an online marketplace, enables artists and designers to sell their work and services while…
Student and Professor sit in an engineering classroom.

Smart systems and digital technologies for a new era

A network of resources will be created from industry, municipalities, and McMaster University to facilitate…
Young woman stocking inventory in grocery store with clinical mask on.

Enhancing skills among persons with disabilities

Persons with disabilities can enhance their employability by acquiring professional knowledge, skills, and attitudes that…