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179 results

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Getting Beyond Non-Standard Employment: Sustainable livelihoods for Indigenous communities in Northern Canada

This research project seeks to understand why Indigenous workers in Canada’s North tend to be concentrated in part-year and part-time work, and which career pathways and supports can help them achieve more sustainable livelihoods.

Assessing Canada’s Skills Requirements in the 21st Century

This project will develop a comprehensive skills framework to describe the Canadian workforce, assess the types of skills currently required by employers and offered by employees, and propose strategies for policymakers to mitigate the growing skills shortage.

Social and Emotional Skills

In this multi-year project, our team of researchers is exploring the trends, challenges, and opportunities related to social and emotional skills (SES) development and the future of work.

Bridging Education and Skills Gaps through Indigenous-Controlled Post-Secondary Education

This research project will investigate the role Indigenous-controlled post-secondary institutes play in helping First Nation, Métis, and Inuit students achieve academic success and find meaningful employment.

Understanding Future Skills: Case of the Montreal Aerospace Cluster

The report examines how organizations contribute to the development and management of talent at the regional level, with a specific focus on the case study of the Montreal aerospace cluster.

Employment Transitions in Canadian Metropolitan Areas

This report examines job loses and gains across Canadian metropolitan areas during the 21st century.

Understanding Future Skills: Emergence of an Ecosystem for the Digital Economy

The focus of this report is on the emergence of the digital economy ecosystem in Quebec, with a specific focus on the Montreal artificial intelligence cluster.

Technological Change and the Future of Work in Canada

This project will assess the impact that large-scale technological and demographic trends will have on the demand and supply of labour in Canada and identify potential solutions to mitigate the effects of labour shortages on the Canadian economy.

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