Virtual, Immersive Learning and Career Labs: The New Normal for Food and Beverage Manufacturers
Food Processing Skills Canada (FPSC) launched the iFood360° pilot project to explore how SMEs with limited resources could use VIL technology to foster growth and enhance workforce skills.
Preparedness for Learning (Learner Shock)
In this pilot, project organizers assembled an advisory group, conducted a survey that included 943 participants and performed an environmental scan to inform the development of training modules for mid-career workers in Manitoba aged 18 years or older.
Empowering the Northern Workforce: Information Technology Readiness in the North
The University College of the North (UCN) developed the Information Technology Readiness North (InTeRN) program, which is exclusively designed for Northern Indigenous women.
Planning for sustainable jobs 101
These reports provide insight into skills needs for workers in Ontario’s growing zero-emissions vehicles and battery manufacturing sectors, and what steps can be taken by government, industry, and educational institutions to support workers in this transition.
A program for young moms in Northern Manitoba
In recent years, young people have faced difficulties in the labour market. Pandemic lockdowns impacted school and work for most young people, alongside accelerated technological change and the increasing prevalence of gig work (characterized by short-term, on-demand, and task-based labour) have all had negative impacts on quality of work for young people.
Skills needs for workers in the growing plant-based protein industry in Manitoba and Saskatchewan
These reports provide insight into skills needs for workers in Ontario’s growing zero-emissions vehicles and battery manufacturing sectors, and what steps can be taken by government, industry, and educational institutions to support workers in this transition.
A pay-for-performance model for skills training
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Future city builders
Future City Builders was a four-month program that supported youth to work collaboratively to develop real-world solutions for healthier and more equitable cities. By engaging in collaborative projects, participants were expected to gain knowledge and skills that made them more employable, better able to create their own employment opportunities, and use their newly developed skills throughout their career and life to contribute to sustainable cities.
Indigenous Tourism Association of Canada (ITAC)
The Northern Tourism Recovery Incubator developed by ITAC was created to support SMEs in Northern communities to strengthen their business, rebuild Indigenous tourism operators and re-train staff members to support visitors and public health expectations as the tourism industry recovers.