| Manitoba


Hands gesticulating in front of open laptop; person on laptop in background

Empowering the Northern workforce: Information technology readiness in the North

The information technology (IT) sector in Manitoba, particularly in Northern communities, faces significant challenges due…

A program for young moms in Northern Manitoba

In recent years, young people have faced difficulties in the labour market. Pandemic lockdowns impacted…

Skills needs for workers in the growing plant-based protein industry in Manitoba and Saskatchewan

These reports provide insight into skills needs for workers in Ontario’s growing zero-emissions vehicles and…
Aerial view of the airport. Airplane taxiing to runway.

Indigenous Tourism Association of Canada (ITAC)

The Northern Tourism Recovery Incubator developed by ITAC was created to support SMEs in Northern…
Hands gesticulating in front of open laptop; person on laptop in background

InTeRN: a young, northern workforce enters the world of ICT

A two-year network computer technology program geared to providing entry level skills and supports to…

Skills development in northern mining regions: lessons from Manitoba

Many Indigenous workers in northern Manitoba depending on mining for employment, but workers may face…
Young girl with headphones using a bandsaw in woodworking class.

Empowering young moms in Northern Manitoba

Young mothers benefit from career exploration, development and skill building.
Image of a gentleman using a sanding machine.

Core skills and rapid response

Indigenous youth benefit from this pilot, which develops a rapid customization process and core skills…
Mentor providing learning support to mentee in a classroom.

Bridging the Gap: A Learning Platform and Marketplace for Job-seekers and Employers

A scalable system that assesses competencies (using AI based work-related tasks) and issues micro-credentials to…