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Transforming learning in a pandemic contextexternal link icon

Across Canada, in-person learning opportunities for nursing students became limited or stopped completely at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. To meet learning criteria, nursing programs had to pivot. For example, some expanded the use of virtual simulations and scenarios as an alternative to in-person care in hospitals, long-term facilities, or community-based experiences.

Laying foundations: Technological maturity in Canada's construction sector

In this report, in collaboration with Brookfield Institute for Innovation + Entrepreneurship we reflect on the evidence and next steps needed to support the Canadian construction sector succeed and adapt to change in the years to come.

The future is micro: Digital learning and microcredentials for education, retraining and lifelong learning

eCampusOntario has developed a framework foundation for building a consensus definition of microcredentials in Canada to address current needs in the emerging microcredentials ecosystem.

Lost opportunities: measuring the unrealized value of skill vacancies in Canada

When an employer wants to fill a vacant job, they are really looking for a set of skills to help them complete specific tasks. Until that employer can recruit a new employee, they don’t have access to the skills they need. So job vacancies can actually be thought of as skill-set vacancies: an unmet need for particular skills.

Tutoring in the Time of COVID-19

The Tutoring in the time of COVID project explores the potential of tutoring to address some of the equity and learning gaps that have widened in the shadow of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Career guidance for adults in Canada

This study, published by the OECD in collaboration with the Future Skills Centre and the Labour Market Information Council (LMIC), assesses the career guidance services that are available for adults in Canada, and puts them into an international perspective.

Transitioning to Jobs in the Clean Economy: From High-Risk Occupations to Green Careers

One in five Canadian employees works at a job that’s vulnerable to automation. The clean economy is a rapid-growth sector that needs workers. Is there a way to solve for both?

Green occupations pathways: from vulnerable jobs to rapid-growth careers

The nature of work in Canada is changing. So is our climate. Can we alleviate both needs? Designing and implementing viable responses to automation requires a thorough understanding of the opportunities available to HRLM workers. Helping to transition these workers into high growth sectors of the economy is ideal (e.g., technology, cannabis, services). But policy responses that integrate with other public priorities will be the most effective and efficient.

Working when sick: How workplace regulations and culture will impact the post-pandemic recovery

Efforts to improve public health and contain the spread of serious illness must focus on both the lack of paid sick days for many workers and the behaviour of those who have access to paid sick days but choose not to use them because of the prevailing workplace culture

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