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179 results

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Mapping racialized experiences in the real estate development industry: Moving towards a more equitable and inclusive sector

This research was a starting point, a chance to explore the state of racialized professionals in real estate development and housing, look at the opportunities that exist for launching ventures in emerging areas and do primary research with racialized professionals to understand their perspective on the industry and what supports would help them to step into their career aspirations.

Bridging the Skills Gap Within Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Quebec: An Analytical and Empirical Analysis

We assess the level of preparedness of SMEs in Quebec for the post-pandemic years by examining their transformation strategies, skill priorities, training plans, and willingness to tap into a more diverse workforce.

Skills development for innovation and growth: Insights from global initiatives

This report and accompanying case studies share insights from three skills for innovation training initiatives which can inform the design and operation of models in Canada.

Race alongside the machines: Occupational digitalization trends in Canada, 2006-2021

Understanding which jobs have changed the most, and which type of digital skills are changing, is important in informing better policies to prepare workers for the future.

Building workplaces where neurodivergent workers thrive

This report explores strategies and best practices for reducing the economic and social costs associated with the low workplace engagement, employment, and productivity of neurodivergent employees in Canada.

The labour market of tomorrow: projections from the Model of Occupations, Skills, and Technology (MOST)

The Model of Occupations, Skills, and Technology (MOST) is a new labour market projection tool, generating detailed occupational and industry-level projections for every region in Canada.

Experiential learning in the social sector

This report explores experiential learning, also known as work integrated learning, in the social service sector from the perspective of both employers and students in social sciences, humanities and arts

Digital skills for today and tomorrow

The rapid digital transformation in Canada due to the pandemic could increase our productivity and growth potential for years to come. How can Canada unlock this opportunity?

Digital transformation of government: Addressing talent gaps and the needs of an inclusive workforce

The Government of Canada has prioritized digitization of processes and services for more than a decade since the release of Improving Canada’s Digital Advantage in 2010 in response to citizen demands, accountability frameworks, and the need to do more with less.

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