Innovation Projects

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National Accessibility Resources for Employers (NARE)

This project will create and share resources for employers in disability management on a national basis to improve processes and policies to engage, accommodate, and keep employees with disabilities.

Alberta digital employment training

Newcomers gain employment training through online learning to meet labour market needs.


This research will provide data that enables the Yonge Street Mission to better understand and support the journey to gainful employment for those living in poverty.

Services to social impact

Young women will transition out of the services sector and into social entrepreneurship as this program equips them with social, emotional and entrepreneurship skills to launch social impact businesses and through one-on-one coaching.

ABC Skills Hub

Adults with low literacy and skill levels benefit from online learning for employability and essential skills.

On the frontlines of crisis training program

This project is designed for youth with skills gaps by providing training in the culinary and non-profit sectors to give them skills and resilience.

Leadership development for Indigenous communities

Indigenous communities will be empowered through a national Indigenous leadership program with links to industry and career development opportunities.

Mind your health

Hospitality and food service industry workers will be empowered with education and support to deal with mental health and substance use challenges and crises.

Future of work skills development program

This partnership between the educational and private sector aims to promote skills resiliency and future-proof the Canadian labour force in a program of learning and targeted skills training.

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