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179 results

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The shift to remote work: How workers in Canada are adapting to working from home

The Survey on Employment and Skills has been tracking experiences with remote work since 2020. The latest wave of the survey finds that these experiences have become more positive over the course of the pandemic.

Exploring the multiple dimensions of quality of work

While Canada's economy is navigating conflicting signals about its future path, current low unemployment rates and labour shortages have necessitated that increased attention be paid to the Quality of Work that Canadian jobs provide, and how that can be measured and improved.

COVID-19 and logistics: Changes and challenges in demand, business practices, and workforce management

This study aims to understand how the pandemic has altered the demand for supply chain and logistics services in Canada and how businesses within the industry have adapted to pandemic-related health and safety protocols.

Beyond blue and white collar: a skills-based approach to Canadian job groupings

Canadian employers are increasingly thinking about work from a skills perspective. This issue briefing takes a new approach to defining job groupings.

From Low-Mobility to Rapid-Growth Jobs: How Governments and Agencies Can Build the Bridge to Clean Economy Careers

This issue briefing looks at the retraining required to transition workers from occupations susceptible to automation to rapidly growing occupations in the clean economy.

Planning When You Can’t Predict: Strategic Foresight and the Future of Work

This report introduces strategic foresight, a discipline that helps organizations and individuals think about and plan for the future in a context of radical uncertainty involving disruptive political, economic, social, technological, legal, and environmental changes.

Readiness and Resilience: Mapping the Contours of the Indigenous Skills and Employment Ecosystem in Canada

In collaboration with our partners, Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business (CCAB) created the Readiness and Resilience: Mapping the Contours of the Indigenous Skills and Employment Ecosystem report as part of a project on Indigenous people’s barriers to and facilitators of employment in Canada to learn about the scope of the Indigenous employment landscape.

Disconnecting from Work: The Varied Experiences of Canadian Workers

Are Canadians having trouble finding the right balance between work and family? Are they finding it difficult to disconnect from work when their regular shift or work day is done?

Experiences of Discrimination at Work

Discrimination in the workplace has been a prevalent issue in Canada, and the problem seems to have been intensifying in the years since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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