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179 results

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Quality of work of Canada's contingent workforce

To examine further the nature of gig work in Canada and understand the quality of work associated with this type of employment, this research presents survey data and analysis on the motivations for gig work and the working conditions involved.

The Role of the Hunter in Inuit Nunangat’s Mixed Economy

In this research, we discuss how hunter skills are essential to the livelihoods of Inuit communities and can be adapted to a wide variety of...

Digital Occupation Pathways: From Vulnerable Jobs to Rapid-Growth Careers

In this impact paper, we examine the feasibility of transitioning workers from occupations susceptible to automation to rapidly growing jobs in the digital economy. We...

Labour market implications for racialized youth

Through a review of academic and industry reports and an analysis of policies and programs, this report aims to identify the barriers faced by racialized youth in employment and education;

Breaking Down Barriers: Improving the Workplace Experience for Neurodivergent Canadians

In this research, we analyze the findings of 40 interviews with neurodivergent workers and employers of neurodivergent workers to better understand the experiences of neurodivergent...

Building a Digitally Skilled Workforce

In this research, we examine the responses of 21 key informant interviews and a survey of 526 skills leaders across different industries and regions in...

Quality of Work: Literature Review

We’re exploring in depth the concept of Quality of Work. This literature review is the first in a series of reports on the topic. Here...

On the Other Side of the Screen: Nurse Educators’ Perspectives on Online Experiential Learning During the Pandemic

In this research, we analyze the findings of our interviews with 20 nurse educators from across Canada to explore the challenges, opportunities, and innovations related...

Blue Occupation Pathways: Career Transitions to the Sustainable Blue Economy

In this research, we analyze the occupational transitions from 92 high-risk, low-mobility (HRLM) jobs to 15 rapid-growth jobs in the sustainable blue economy (SBE). How...

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