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179 results

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Digital Differences: The impact of automation on the Indigenous economy in Canada

How is technological change, and specifically automation, affecting Indigenous workers in Canada? Digital Differences looks at the impact of automation on the Indigenous economy by industry and region.

Understanding the Nature and Experience of Gig Work in Canada

Gig work & gig workers are on the rise, fueled by technology that makes this form of work more easily accessible. What does this mean for Canada’s labour market and how should we respond? This report explores what we know, and what we need to know, about the nature of Canada’s gig economy and the experiences of its workers.

Mapping the Landscape: Indigenous Skills Training and Jobs in Canada

Indigenous businesses are growing and — importantly — creating employment for others. Further, self-employment and entrepreneurship is increasing. If there is an opportunity for the next generation, and for current adult workers, to leapfrog into the future of Canadian work, it may very well be through Indigenous-led business.

Sustainable Northern Livelihoods: A Primer

Economic growth in Canada’s North has outpaced the rest of the country. This primer discusses the challenges still faced by Indigenous people in the North, who continue to experience socio-economic disparities

Incorporating Indigenous Cultures and Realities in STEM

How are organizations in Canada working to increase Indigenous representation in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) careers? This primer introduces a novel typology based on 100-plus recent Canadian initiatives.

Indigenous Financial Management: Finally Finding Balance - A Primer

This paper outlines research on the career paths of Indigenous finance and management professionals, with an aim toward attracting more Indigenous people to careers in those fields.

Bracing for Automation: What Are Canada’s Most Vulnerable Jobs?

This issue briefing looks at which occupations have a higher risk of automation and offer few options for workers to transition into lower-risk occupations.

Survey on Employment and Skills

The survey explores the experiences of Canadians relating to employment, education, and training, including perceptions of job security, the impact of technological change, and the value of skills training.

Preliminary Report: Canadians’ Shifting Outlook on Employment

An Environics Institute survey suggests COVID-19 did not dent Canadians’ outlook about the future or their confidence in their ability to bounce back quickly after hard times, even as the pandemic’s effects on employment began to be felt.

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