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Supporting Entrepreneurship and SMEs: A Post-Pandemic Skills and Training Agenda

By combining preliminary data from an ongoing survey of SMEs, associated focus group discussions, and existing research, this report highlights opportunities to better support SMEs in the pandemic recovery and after. This includes a specific focus on embracing diversity and inclusion as a key way of addressing their skills needs.

The Mother of Invention: Skills for Innovation in the Post-Pandemic World

To be successful, Canada’s skills strategies must address skills for innovation across sectors from solo entrepreneurs, to small and medium-sized businesses, to large corporations – and even within government itself.

Innovation in Post-Secondary Education

Canada’s post-secondary institutions are well positioned for the future, thanks to innovative approaches and a willingness to use technological advances in education. COVID-19 has challenged these institutions, but they have showed adaptability under pressure by accelerating their adoption of innovations. However, some challenges predate the pandemic such as better inclusion of equity-seeking groups in higher education. Better funding models and greater flexibility can build greater resilience and agility into the system while addressing long-standing challenges and inequities

Mind and body: Impact of the pandemic on physical and mental health

The second wave of the Survey on Employment and Skills was conducted in late 2020, as the pandemic’s second wave gathered momentum in Canada and the number of new COVID-19 cases steadily increased.

Immigration and the success of Canada’s post-pandemic Economy

Immigration is an important part of Canada’s economic growth - especially in terms of sustaining the labour market. And although Canada welcomes many immigrants to our shores, we aren’t creating an employment environment where they can use their skills to their fullest potential. There are several steps that Canada needs to take to fix this problem, such as getting better at recognizing the credentials immigrants possess and providing them with improved labour market information throughout their immigration journey.

The Big Shift: Changes in Canadian Manufacturing Employment, 2003 – 2018 Executive Summary

How did Canadian regions fare during the manufacturing employment decline of 2003-2009? Were manufacturing jobs replaced by comparable jobs or by different jobs, thus marking a permanent shift in the nature of employment?

Building Inclusive Workplaces

A one-size-fits-all approach to pandemic recovery will not work. Programs tailored to the specific needs of specific groups will be important for a strong recovery, as will equitable access to critical supports, such as the infrastructure needed to overcome the digital divide. Businesses, governments and employees must all commit to reskilling — particularly when it comes to those from diverse groups who face barriers and bias — to develop an effective and inclusive skills and employment ecosystem that leaves no one behind.

Widening inequality: Effects of the pandemic on jobs and income

This report focuses on the overall impact of the pandemic, as well as more specific experiences such as lost hours of work, employment or income. It also looks at who was more likely to receive one or more of the emergency support benefits provided by the government, and how helpful these benefits have been.

Linking Skills to Employment in Inuit Nunangat

The economic opportunities currently available in Inuit Nunangat are not balanced. Economic opportunities in the region can benefit from Inuit skillsets, strengths, and knowledge.

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