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A Path Forward – Job Transitions in Canada

Most Canadians who want to make a career transition have viable and desirable options, especially if they possess, or are willing to learn, the skills, abilities, tools, and technologies required for their destination occupation.

Highlights of the report

  • Canadians have viable and desirable job transition options available to them. The best of these options require similar skills and knowledge and offer higher pay in sectors and industries with growing employment. Knowledge jobs and in-the-field jobs offer the highest numbers of transition opportunities.
  • However, some specialized or highly paid occupations have few or no viable and desirable transitions. Canadians seeking to move out of these roles may require retraining, a move to another sector, or willingness to take a pay cut.
  • To combat labour shortages, employers should broaden their recruiting pool to include non-traditional occupations that are characteristically similar in terms of the skills required for vacant roles, rather than focusing on just specific education and/or experience requirements.

Appendix: Space to Grow: Job Transitions in Ontario’s Tourism and Hospitality Industry

Ontario’s tourism and hospitality workers have had a challenging year—but viable, desirable job transitions are available. This research explores the skills, qualifications, and trade-offs needed to get there.

Document Highlights

The COVID-19 pandemic has hit Ontario’s tourism and hospitality sector hard, with significant job losses and reduced prospects for near-term recovery. As part of the Tourism and Hospitality Emergency Response project initiated by the Ontario Tourism Education Corporation, Conference Board researchers examined 48 tourism-sector occupations and found that they have an average of nine potential job transition options.

Workers need the right combination of skills, abilities, knowledge, facility with tools and technology, and any special qualifications in order to maximize the number of transition options available. This is the most significant barrier facing displaced tourism workers. Their best approach is to focus on retaining and upskilling. Those workers whose jobs have few potential transitions may need to consider accepting a lower-paid job, transitioning out of the sector, or moving to another part of Ontario.

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