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179 results

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Hiring Green: An Analysis of the Demand for Green Skills in Canada

This data briefing analyzes the demand for green skills in Canada. It assesses how often employers look for 35 different green skills and competencies when hiring.

Skills for Inclusive Workplaces and the Advancement of Indigenous Peoples

This report investigates the experiences of Indigenous Peoples in leadership positions to understand the barriers and enablers that have shaped their pathways, and the impact of diversity in the workplace.

The Burden  of Care: Addressing Challenges in Employment in the Nonprofit Sector

This report examines the perceptions of workers in the nonprofit sector and how these differ from workers in other sectors. Workers in the nonprofit sector have lower job satisfaction than workers in either the public or private sectors.

The Perspectives of Second-Generation Immigrants in Canada

Outcomes for second-generation immigrants are typically measured in terms of educational attainment, employment rates and income. This study finds that the experiences of second-generation immigrants cannot be easily generalized.

Navigating Net-Zero: Faculty Perspectives on Greening Post-Secondary Curricula

To successfully transition to a net-zero economy, Canada will require workers with the skills and knowledge needed to fill green jobs, but sectors connected to the green economy face skills gaps and talent shortages around the globe.

Greening Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises: Women Entrepreneurs and the Path to Net Zero

The transition to net zero requires action in businesses across sectors and at every stage of the value chain.

Tutoring in the Age of COVID-19: A Case Study of the Study Buddy Program

The program resulted in families feeling more comfortable and confident with online learning and school work. Students and tutors alike developed problem-solving, decision-making, interpersonal and technology skills, all of which play a role in academic success.

Planning for Sustainable Jobs 101

These reports provide insight into skills needs for workers in Ontario’s growing zero-emissions vehicles and battery manufacturing sectors, and what steps can be taken by government, industry, and educational institutions to support workers in this transition.

Newcomer Pathways to Employment: Canadian Diversity Magazine Special Issue

We outline the important role immigration plays in economic growth and in addressing skills and labour shortages, and examine Canada’s role in developing innovative approaches to address global humanitarian crises.

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