| Newfoundland and Labrador

Newfoundland and Labrador

Image of a gentleman using a sanding machine.

Skills, Explore, Achieve, Revive (SOAR)

The second-largest occupational group in Newfoundland and Labrador, comprising trades, transport, and equipment operators, faced…
Female instructor holding hardhat and explaining occupational safety rules to workers sitting at table

Creating a microlearning model for the Canadian mining industry

The mining industry is suffering from labour shortages that are expected to worsen. The industry…

In Motion & Momentum+: Building resilience, hope and sustainable futures

In recent years, young people have faced difficulties in the labour market. Pandemic lockdowns impacted…

Workplace innovation for quality of work: Research synthesis and recommendations on adaptation for Canadian contexts

Have questions about this report? Contact us communications@fsc-ccf.ca. How to Cite This ReportYoung, S., McDonough,…
Aerial view of the airport. Airplane taxiing to runway.

Indigenous Tourism Association of Canada (ITAC)

The Northern Tourism Recovery Incubator developed by ITAC was created to support SMEs in Northern…
ceo holding employment contract job offer hiring welcoming female African American newcomer worker manager shaking hands in contemporary office. Human resources concept.

A Newcomer Employment Resilience Network NL (NERN NL) - Optimizing Connections; Making the Match

The project demonstrated how sector-specific networks can improve job prospects for newcomers and foster collaboration…
Shot of two young cooks preparing food in the kitchen

Cook to connect

The program addresses challenges most newcomers to Canada face in the first five years after…
hunting and fishing camp in Nunavut

The Role of the Hunter in Inuit Nunangat’s Mixed Economy

In this research, we discuss how hunter skills are essential to the livelihoods of Inuit…
coast of newfoundland

Roadmap for workforce development in Newfoundland and Labrador

People in rural and remote areas of Newfoundland and Labrador face unique challenges in terms…