Innovation Projects

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63 results

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Long-term labour market scarring on youth from economic shocks

Regardless of labour market conditions, some young people have a hard time transitioning into the labour market and are not working or training for extended periods of time. During an economic shock like a recession, challenges are heightened.

ELITE program for Black youth

Black youths gain access to hands-on learning and paid work-integrated training in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics fields and entrepreneurship.

STEM skills and an innovation mindset for youth

This project develops STEM skills and an innovation mindset among youth.

What works for work? Employment integration in youth service hubs across Canada

The project implements and tests the Individual Placement and Support (IPS) intervention among youth who are not in education, employment or training.

Upskilling Canadian youth for in-demand tech careers

Launching low-income, young adults into IT careers by providing professional and technical skills training, job placement, and five years of post-hire services.

Upskill and certify Indigenous child and youth practitioners

Create innovative educational opportunities that reduce barriers to Indigenous peoples’ participation and increase the number of Indigenous youth workers with postsecondary certificates who have marketable skills.

Empowering the Northern workforce: Information technology readiness in the North

The information technology (IT) sector in Manitoba, particularly in Northern communities, faces significant challenges due to a shortage of qualified individuals to fill numerous job openings. Postsecondary IT programs, which are primarily located in southern Manitoba, often do not accommodate the unique needs of Northern students, who face barriers such as relocation, high costs and a shortage of skills deemed prerequisite by the postsecondary programs.

Shock-proofing postsecondary: Digital transformation in applied learning

This project, initiated by Saskatchewan Polytechnic, aimed to address the challenges in online education exposed by the COVID-19 pandemic. The project focused on enhancing the online learning experience in applied fields such as information technology, agriculture, health care, manufacturing and warehousing. The success of these sectors are critical to the success of the Canadian economy and are traditionally dependent on hands-on training. The initiative targeted equity-deserving groups, including women, Indigenous people, newcomers, and individuals with disabilities.

Future of work skills development program

This project centred on several key research questions aimed at addressing the urgent needs of the Canadian labour market, particularly changes to job prospects and the accelerating trend of technology adoption.

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