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179 results

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Canadian Labour Demand Update: Analysis of Job Postings for the Fourth Quarter of 2020

This report provides an update of labour demand trends from October to December 2020 with data sourced from the Vicinity Jobs Hiring Demand Analytics Suite.

Is the Future Micro? Unbundling Learning for Flexibility & Access

Micro-credentials focus on assessing the achievement of incremental parcels of learning related to a particular skill or competency.

Rising Skills: Digital Upskilling for Advanced Manufacturing Workplaces

Tradespeople need 21st-century digital skills to adapt to today’s more technologically advanced manufacturing sector. This summary looks at ways to strengthen training in Canadian manufacturing.

Yesterday's Gone: Exploring the future of Canada's labour market in a post-covid world.

In this report, we explore a broad range of trends with the potential to impact Canada’s labour market over the coming decade—many of which have been accelerated, disrupted, or created by COVID-19

Focus on the future of skills and work in a digital economy

The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) and FSC sponsored a stream of labour market research reports on Skills and Work in the Digital Economy.

Responding to Automation: Technology Adoption in Canadian Industries

We examine some of the determinants of automation and its impact on Canadian occupations and industries.

Social and Emotional Skills are Top of Mind Across Canada

When we asked participants across Canada to identify the most important skills for career success, they overwhelmingly identified social and emotional skills. This summary details their concerns, challenges, and suggestions.

What Are Canadian Post-Secondary Institutions Saying and Doing? Social and Emotional Skills

Canadian post-secondary institutions are not prioritizing social and emotional skills acquisition for students, despite their growing importance to employers. More emphasis must be placed on ensuring students develop these skills.

Rising Skills: Emerging Skills in the Food Services Trades

Commercial kitchens are becoming more automated, connected, and diverse workplaces. This briefing looks at the skill sets that food services tradespeople—in particular, the Red Seal trades of cook and baker—need to adapt, as well as how employers can find the skilled talent they need.

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