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179 results

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Finding value: identifying and assessing social and emotional skills in the tourism and hospitality industry

This impact paper identifies the value of a focus on social and emotional skills (SES) recognition for employees and employers and examines assessment frameworks, approaches, and platforms that can support SES credentialing in the tourism and hospitality industry.

Searching for strengths: gaps and opportunities for social and emotional skills development in the tourism and hospitality sector

This briefing identifies gaps and strengths in social and emotional skills across occupations in the tourism and hospitality industry to be able to help displaced workers transition to new roles.

Skills development in the North: an ecosystem shaped by distinct challenges

The Northern skills ecosystem is shaped by distinct challenges. This primer discusses how these challenges affect the ability of Northern skills ecosystems to respond to change.

The big shift: changes in Canadian manufacturing employment, 2003-2018, Full Report

Despite the significant attention paid to Canada’s loss of manufacturing jobs at a broader level, little is known about how individual Canadian regions have fared since the manufacturing employment decline of 2003-2009, caused by a combination of increased overseas competition, a rising Canadian dollar, and the 2008-2009 Great Recession.

Learning Bulletins, sharing knowledge and insights

Learning insights that gather research and early findings from our innovation projects to help navigate the future of work.

Lessons learned: The pandemic and learning from home in Canada

The Survey on Employment and Skills, conducted by the Environics Institute for Survey Research in collaboration with the Diversity Institute and the Future Skills Centre, was designed to explore Canadians’ experiences with the changing nature of work, including technology-driven disruptions, increasing insecurity and shifting skills requirements.

Building a decision-based framework to understand Labour Market Information (LMI) needs

For Labour Market Information (LMI) to be accessible, relevant and suitable for meeting the diverse needs of Canadians, it must consider who is using LMI and what they are using it for.

Technological Change in the North: How STEM Skills Can Help Indigenous Workers Adaptexternal link icon

The economy in Northern Canada is changing. Sectors, such as mining, forestry, and tourism, can quickly expand or contract. Advancing technology is one factor driving those changes.

Responding to Automation: Building a Cleaner Futureexternal link icon

The Future Skills Centre and the Conference Board of Canada research the paths that workers could take to transition into sectors that are growing rapidly, starting with the clean economy.

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