Innovation Projects

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194 results

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Assessing and developing workplace employability skills with ESAT

Development of the Employability Skills Assessment Tool (ESAT), a cloud-based tool to measure an individual’s social & emotional/employability skills.

Workplace Inclusion Charter Expansion

Connect under-utilized talent pools with local employers in Kingston through the implementation of the Workplace Inclusion Charter program.

Digital Fluency Stackable Micro-credentials for the Workforce

Development and delivery of a series of three stackable micro-credentials for workers who are disadvantaged due to a lack of digital fluency which is a core employment skillset across Canadian industry.

In Motion & Momentum+ (IM&M+): Building resilience, hope and sustainable futures

This program assists people who are distant from the labour market in acquiring key life and employability skills.

Bridging the Gap: A Learning Platform and Marketplace for Job-seekers and Employers

A scalable system that assesses competencies (using AI based work-related tasks) and issues micro-credentials to job-seekers.

What works for work? Employment integration in youth service hubs across Canada

The project implements and tests the Individual Placement and Support (IPS) intervention among youth who are not in education, employment or training.

The Indigenous Employment Hub

The Indigenous Employment Hub can help meet labour needs for future (infrastructure) projects in B.C. and become a model for creating meaningful employment opportunities for Indigenous people.

Scaling up the Canadian Remote Access for Dementia Learning Experiences (CRADLE+)

The first, fully-online, multilingual education opportunity specifically designed for historically isolated, unregulated care workers.

Reboot Plus Expanded

First-of-its-kind program in Canada will help youth who haven’t finished high school to re-engage in both education and career development.

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