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Focus on microcredentials

Microcredentials are rapid training programs that can help workers quickly master new skills or gain competencies. These programs are “transcriptable”, meaning that once completed they will appear as a certified proof of competency in a specific skill. 


of Canadian post-secondary institutions offered online courses for microcredentials in 2019, and that number continues to grow

(Source: eCampusOntario)


of employers see microcredentials as demonstrating a commitment to lifelong learning — something they value highly

(Source: Northeastern University)


of Canadians employers asked are not yet familiar with microcredentials

(Source: Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario)

Microcredentials are expected to play a major role in the future of skills training and education. Their short duration makes them essential tools for workers who wish to enter a new professional field or advance in their existing career path, but who lack the time to pursue a multi-year degree program. A recent survey from the Higher Education Quality Council has actually shown that 92% of current microcredential programs in Canada support working adults who wish to change their occupation.

Microcredentials can be a powerful solution that responds to the needs of employers, encourages professional flexibility for mid-career workers, and meets the challenges related to workforce training in a rapidly-changing economy. 

Although microcredentials were in high demand before the pandemic, COVID-19 has significantly accelerated the need for such programs, as an increasing number of Canadians seek upskilling and reskilling opportunities. Recent research has also revealed the importance of microcredentials to help post-secondary graduates begin their careers with workforce-ready skills.

Microcredentials, macro impact

Microcredentials are surging in popularity, but how should they be shaped?

Fast track to skills: microcredentials in action

Listen to experts on microcredentials talk about their potential, as well as ongoing challenges:

This learning bulletin highlights the context leading to the increased use of microcredentials in Canada and showcases innovation projects that test the benefits of microcredentials training for Canadians from different sectors, ages and population groups. It also offers insights for policymakers and stakeholders on how the common standards and frameworks can help shape the future development of microcredential learning. 

Take a look at all our bulletins that gather research and early findings from our innovation projects to help navigate the future of work.

Learn about our projects focused on microcredentials

Hands gesticulating in front of open laptop; person on laptop in background

InTeRN: a young, northern workforce enters the world of ICT

A two-year network computer technology program geared to providing entry level skills and supports to Indigenous youth in Northern Manitoba.
Forklift operator moving a pallet of goods

Material Handling 4.0: Building pathways to employment for disadvantaged groups

Help new and current material handlers in Hamilton to transition to new job opportunities within the supply chain sector.
Computer screen showing equipment eLearning module

Tech-enabled learning programs for the mining industry

Project will be three two-week unique, demand-driven, and blended-learning training programs using VR, eLearning, simulations and in-field competency assessment. Final equipment selection will be aligned to meet the demand-driven needs of the industry partners.
View all Projects

Read the latest microcredentials research

Person persenting in front of white board to an audience

Innovation in Post-Secondary Education

Canada’s post-secondary institutions are well positioned for the future, thanks to innovative approaches and a willingness to use technological advances in education. COVID-19 has challenged these institutions, but they have showed adaptability under pressure by accelerating their adoption of innovations. However, some challenges predate the pandemic such as better inclusion of equity-seeking groups in higher education. Better funding models and greater flexibility can build greater resilience and agility into the system while addressing long-standing challenges and inequities

The future is micro: Digital learning and microcredentials for education, retraining and lifelong learning

eCampusOntario has developed a framework foundation for building a consensus definition of microcredentials in Canada to address current needs in the emerging microcredentials ecosystem.
Student Writing

Is the Future Micro? Unbundling Learning for Flexibility & Access

Micro-credentials focus on assessing the achievement of incremental parcels of learning related to a particular skill or competency.
View all Research