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179 results

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Opportunity for All: Improving Workplace Experiences and Career Outcomes for Canadians With Disabilities

In this research, we analyze the findings of 30 interviews of Canadian working professionals with disabilities who have expertise in accessible employment. What key barriers...

State of Skills: Leveraging the Skills of Newcomers

As Canada’s population ages, the critical role of immigration will only intensify. By 2025, Canada aims to welcome 500,000 newcomers, a record target that reflects our dependency on immigration to ensure labour market and economic growth. Yet when they settle, many newcomers still find themselves in jobs poorly matched to their experience and qualifications.

Technology Impacts on Quality of Work in Canada

The role of technology in the world of work is only anticipated to intensify in the coming years. And while technology offers considerable promise, there are a number of risks associated with the onset of alternative forms of work, including remote work, gig work and the sharing economy.

Shaping the Future of Work in Canada: Beyond the COVID-19 Pandemic

The research explored the extent of economic and job quality inequities between those who had access to remote work options during the pandemic and those who did not, as well as the widening disparity in job satisfaction between the two groups.

Digital technologies and the impact on quality of work in Canada

This paper explores the ways digital technologies affects quality of work, skills needs and developments, and associated policy implications.

Ready for Green jobs: How ready are Canadian regions to attract and support the skilled workforce needed to reach climate targets and drive clean growth?

Clean growth and climate action in Canada could create thousands of jobs in the next seven years. With a potential 300,000 jobs created, communities across...

Can Social and Emotional Skills Be Taught?

In this research, we explore the challenges of teaching and learning social and emotional skills in the classroom. Based on interviews with 40 college instructors and...

Valuing Skills in Canada: A Statistical Approach

In this research, we examine the relationship between skills and income, considering which skills have a strong positive association with earning and which have a...

Digital Skills and the Skills Gap

For more than 20 years, industry has been decrying the skills gap and the need for digital skills. The problem of the so-called “digital skills...

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