Innovation Projects

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The Skills Algorithm: Digital Skills Demand Across Canada’s Labour Market

This research examined the experiences and attitudes towards remote work in Canada for employees and supervisors and sought to understand how the arrangement has affected productivity, satisfaction, trust and well-being.

Inuvialuit Skills Matrix

The Inuvialuit Regional Corporation was created in 1984 through the Inuvialuit Final Agreement land treaty agreement with Canada to advance the interests of Inuvialuit in the Beaufort Delta of the Northwest Territories and across Canada through the protection of land and culture, provision of services and the creation of economic opportunities. As part of these efforts, FSC has funded IRC’s project Inuvialuit Skills Matrix, an initiative which would introduce data, infrastructure and strategic planning tools to create a systemic solution to job creation, training and skills development.

Indigenous Business Centre of Excellence (IBCE) Feasibility Study

Aurora College’s FSC-funded project Indigenous Business Centre of Excellence (IBCE) Feasibility Study aimed to better understand needs, opportunities and best models in establishing an Indigenous Business Centre of Excellence (IBCE) at the NWT institution, as well as establishing a model for a two-year pilot.

Northern Entrepreneurs Accessing Training (NEAT)

Contact North’s FSC-funded project Northern Entrepreneurs Accessing Training (NEAT) will support entrepreneurs and SMEs in rural and remote Indigenous communities in northern Ontario and northwest British Columbia to access education and skills training in their community to meet their identified skills training needs in order to continue to innovate.

Long-term Labour Market Scarring on Youth from Economic Shocks

Regardless of labour market conditions, some young people have a hard time transitioning into the labour market and are not working or training for extended periods of time. During an economic shock like a recession, challenges are heightened.

lnshore Fishery Development in the Qikiqtani Region of Nunavut

As part of its five year plan to address the human resource needs for successful inshore fisheries research and development in the Qikiqtani region, QC accessed FSC funding to develop the Inshore Fishery Development in the Qikiqtani Region of Nunavut program.

EntrepreNorth: Taking IT Digital

The EntrepreNorth App Development project focused on creating a multi-user applied business tool that supports entrepreneurs and social innovators with investment and impact readiness, and ongoing business planning and strategy.

Supporting Place Based SMEs in the Rural Yukon in Post Pandemic Environment

The project Supporting Place-based SMEs in the Rural Yukon in the Post-Pandemic Environment responds to the realities of the pandemic on this sector in the region. The project seeks to support the monetization of land-based activities for SME’s in rural Yukon, as well as to enhance relationships with existing SME’s in the rural region of the territory.

Indigenous Tourism Association of Canada (ITAC)

The Northern Tourism Recovery Incubator developed by ITAC was created to support SMEs in Northern communities to strengthen their business, rebuild Indigenous tourism operators and re-train staff members to support visitors and public health expectations as the tourism industry recovers.

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