Innovation Projects

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194 results

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Young Newcomers and International Students in Diploma Programs: Shock-Proofing Through Language Confidence

In recent years, young people have faced difficulties in the labour market. Pandemic lockdowns impacted school and work for most young people, alongside accelerated technological change and the increasing prevalence of gig work (characterized by short-term, on-demand, and task-based labour) have all had negative impacts on quality of work for young people. 

Quality of Work Life in Alternative Careers

This project aimed to understand how skilled migrants determined their alternative career pathways. 

Using Behavioural Insights to Increase Post-secondary and Career Services Participation

This project, through the execution of a number of randomized control trials, tested how best to inform, empower, and engage Canadians when it comes to making decisions about work.

State of Skills: Quality of Work

Like many economies across the world, Canadians (and Canadian employers in particular) recognize that Canada needs more skilled tradespeople. Not enough Canadians, however, appear to be interested in pursuing these careers. Rates of enrollment in apprenticeships are falling short of where labour demand is. Past efforts to increase numbers of skilled tradespeople through immigration have fallen short of their targets, with low admittance through federal programs and a lack of information available for new Canadians on how to get qualified.

Transforming Skills and Talent Acquisition in Canadian Cybersecurity

In recent years, young people have faced difficulties in the labour market. Pandemic lockdowns impacted school and work for most young people, alongside accelerated technological change and the increasing prevalence of gig work (characterized by short-term, on-demand, and task-based labour) have all had negative impacts on quality of work for young people. 

Building the Skills of the Trucking Industry for the Future Using Innovative Technology

For employers in the knowledge economy, hybrid work remains critical not only to post-pandemic recovery but to the future of work. 

Skills and Strategies for Quality Hybrid Work in Canada

For employers in the knowledge economy, hybrid work remains critical not only to post-pandemic recovery but to the future of work. 

Autism CanTech!: Social Return on Investment and Policy Review

This project sought to better understand the work experiences of young people with autism, the impacts of assured income policies on employment outcomes of participants, and the overall social return on investment of the ACT! program itself. 

Work Quality Experience and Engagement among Young Workers

In recent years, young people have faced difficulties in the labour market. Pandemic lockdowns impacted school and work for most young people, alongside accelerated technological change and the increasing prevalence of gig work (characterized by short-term, on-demand, and task-based labour) have all had negative impacts on quality of work for young people. 

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