Innovation Projects

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194 results

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State of Skills: Unleashing AI into the skills development ecosystem

FSC-supported AI tools have bolstered outcomes in skills matching, career development guidance, and recruitment. The overall effectiveness of these tools was underpinned by recognizing and mitigating the inherent bias and discrimination embedded into these technologies.

Synergy: Workforce Development for Vulnerable Women to Succeed

The project aimed to advance gender equity in the Canadian labour market and address the unique challenges women and equity-deserving groups face in accessing gainful employment.

Teaching vulnerable SMEs the innovation skills to develop sustainable, long-term remote work strategies

In recent years, young people have faced difficulties in the labour market. Pandemic lockdowns impacted school and work for most young people, alongside accelerated technological change and the increasing prevalence of gig work (characterized by short-term, on-demand, and task-based labour) have all had negative impacts on quality of work for young people. 

Accelerating the Appropriate Adoption of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare

In recent years, young people have faced difficulties in the labour market. Pandemic lockdowns impacted school and work for most young people, alongside accelerated technological change and the increasing prevalence of gig work (characterized by short-term, on-demand, and task-based labour) have all had negative impacts on quality of work for young people. 

Early Childhood Education Training Lab

Even before the increased demand brought on by the Canada-wide Early Learning and Child Care agreements, early childhood educators (ECEs) were increasingly being called on to obtain more skills and credentials, without a parallel increase in wages, benefits, or improvements in working conditions. If wages and working conditions do not improve, there is concern that there will not be enough qualified ECEs to implement the national program.

Artificial intelligence and the future of work: What do we know so far?

The increased deployment of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in work and society offers tremendous opportunities in terms of innovation and productivity but has also raised concerns about its potential negative, and wide-ranging effects.

Futureproofing the Food and Beverage Processing Workforce

The food and beverage processing sector faces challenges in finding and retaining skilled workers. Using its industry-validated Learning and Recognition Framework, Food Processing Skills Canada developed the STAC program to address the skill gaps and training needs of the industry.

A Program for Young Moms in Northern Manitoba

In recent years, young people have faced difficulties in the labour market. Pandemic lockdowns impacted school and work for most young people, alongside accelerated technological change and the increasing prevalence of gig work (characterized by short-term, on-demand, and task-based labour) have all had negative impacts on quality of work for young people. 

In Motion & Momentum+: Building Resilience, Hope and Sustainable Futures

In recent years, young people have faced difficulties in the labour market. Pandemic lockdowns impacted school and work for most young people, alongside accelerated technological change and the increasing prevalence of gig work (characterized by short-term, on-demand, and task-based labour) have all had negative impacts on quality of work for young people. 

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