Innovation Projects

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194 results

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Micro but mighty: micro-credentials for a recovering hospitality industry

Displaced hospitality and food service industry workers will gain micro-credentials to build skills and take certified training to enhance job prospects and support recovery.

Tools and resources for gaming and digital media entrepreneurs

Founders of interactive digital media or game studio businesses who are racialized, BIPOC or LGBTQIA+ benefit from a toolkit and program that makes entrepreneurship in this sector accessible to more Canadians.

Language learning for young newcomers

BCIT students pursuing skilled jobs receive English language training and content to support them in their studies and job search efforts.

Cook to connect

Cook to Connect supports newcomers’ transition into the workplace through an innovative program that provides employment support and skills for the food service industry.

Virtual services for career practitioners

This project is a needs assessment of career practitioners and their capacity to offer online services to vulnerable groups during the pandemic.

Resilient newcomer women in Northwestern Ontario

Research aims to identify opportunities and barriers to full labour participation by newcomer women in the wake of COVID-19.

VILA: Virtual inclusive learning academy

Adults with physical and cognitive challenges participate in a virtual hub that offers life skills, academic support and job training.

Georgian College: Digital transformation strategy

This project will increase knowledge, skills, comfort, and use of extended reality technologies.

North Coast skills hub

This virtual platform will serve as a skills training and career development tool for people in small and remote northern communities in British Columbia.

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