Innovation Projects

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194 results

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Remote work strategies for small businesses

Owners and operators of SMEs will learn the innovation skills to develop a long-term remote work strategy.

Aiming higher: Micro-credential training in aviation and aerospace

Innovative training and upskilling in the aerospace and aviation sector benefits workers and the industry.

New Brunswick digital career exploration

Youth explore in-demand career paths and connect with industry experts through virtual tours and workplace simulations.

Luminary: Advancing Indigenous innovation

The Indigenous economy will benefit from increased research collaboration, improved knowledge mobilization, new networks and partnerships that advance economic growth, jobs and well-being.

Core skills and rapid response

Indigenous youth benefit from this pilot, which develops a rapid customization process and core skills training that also addresses critical labour shortages.

Digital marketing for small business

Small business owners will enhance their digital marketing capabilities to address these vital skill gaps and build resilience.

Construction with a purpose

Vulnerable individuals facing homelessness gain skills training and supports to help transition into in-demand construction careers.

Virtual learning in Canada’s infrastructure sector

People who seek training to work in utilities in support of Canada’s critical infrastructure get the benefit of virtual learning.

STEM skills and an innovation mindset for youth

This project develops STEM skills and an innovation mindset among youth.

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