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373 results

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Hiring Green: An Analysis of the Demand for Green Skills in Canada

This data briefing analyzes the demand for green skills in Canada. It assesses how often employers look for 35 different green skills and competencies when hiring.

Skills for Inclusive Workplaces and the Advancement of Indigenous Peoples

This report investigates the experiences of Indigenous Peoples in leadership positions to understand the barriers and enablers that have shaped their pathways, and the impact of diversity in the workplace.

The Burden  of Care: Addressing Challenges in Employment in the Nonprofit Sector

This report examines the perceptions of workers in the nonprofit sector and how these differ from workers in other sectors. Workers in the nonprofit sector have lower job satisfaction than workers in either the public or private sectors.

The Perspectives of Second-Generation Immigrants in Canada

Outcomes for second-generation immigrants are typically measured in terms of educational attainment, employment rates and income. This study finds that the experiences of second-generation immigrants cannot be easily generalized.

Skills Matching and Opportunities in Wood Manufacturing

The Wood Manufacturing Council (WMC), with support from the Conference Board of Canada (CBoC), launched the Skills Matching and Opportunities in Wood Manufacturing project to address the gap between job seekers' desires for viable and desirable career transitions and the recruitment challenges faced by the wood manufacturing sector.

From data to decision: AI training and professional certification

The project was a short, online certified program in artificial intelligence (AI) for professionals and leaders offered by IVADO in collaboration with the University of Montreal. The project aimed to address the current and future needs of the labour market for AI skills, and to provide a flexible and customized learning experience for the participants.

On the Frontlines of Crisis Training Program

During the COVID-19 pandemic, there was an increased demand for food production and distribution services from non-profit community service organizations, and an increased need for workers with the right mix of skills to meet this demand. In response, Weston Frontlines Centre created the Frontlines of Crisis Training Program, a 15-week hybrid training program to prepare young people with skills relevant for food production and distribution in the non-profit sector. 

Skills, Explore, Achieve, Revive (SOAR)

The second-largest occupational group in Newfoundland and Labrador, comprising trades, transport, and equipment operators, faced significant challenges during COVID-19. To meet local labour market needs, the Murphy Centre team created the SOAR (Skills, Explore, Achieve, Revive) program to provide free and accessible tutoring and counselling services to support retention of early career tradespeople and their longer-term career advancement.
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