| Northern Skills

Northern Skills


Values, knowledge and vision: how Inuit skills can strengthen northern economies

How can Northern economies grow through Inuit skills and community priorities? This primer explores job sectors in Inuit Nunangat where values, traditional knowledge, and strengths...

Made in Nunavut: building Inuit skills for northern offshore fisheries and beyond

This case study analysis focuses on skills training for Nunavut’s commercial offshore fisheries, but the lessons learned are applicable to Nunavut’s inshore fisheries, broader marine sectors, and other Northern industries.

Saskatchewan’s Forest Sector: Future Skills for an Indigenous-Led Revitalization

The forest sector in northern Saskatchewan must contend with labour shortages, skills gaps, and the desire by Indigenous communities to expand the sector toward renewable and alternative forest products.

Skills development in northern mining regions: lessons from Manitoba

Many Indigenous workers in northern Manitoba depending on mining for employment, but workers may face multiple barriers to accessing the skills and training they need to succeed in the industry.