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Diversity in Leadership at S&P/TSX Companies

This report assesses the state of diversity in leadership roles in corporate Canada, focusing on TSX firms and representation of equity-deserving groups (women, Black individuals and racialized individuals) from 2015 to 2022. The study encompasses 783 firms on the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX), including 235 on the S&P/TSX Composite Index.

Skills Needs for Mass Timber Production and Adoption in British Columbia

These reports provide insight into skills needs for workers in Ontario’s growing zero-emissions vehicles and battery manufacturing sectors, and what steps can be taken by government, industry, and educational institutions to support workers in this transition.

Skills Needs for Workers in the Growing Plant-Based Protein Industry in Manitoba and Saskatchewan

These reports provide insight into skills needs for workers in Ontario’s growing zero-emissions vehicles and battery manufacturing sectors, and what steps can be taken by government, industry, and educational institutions to support workers in this transition.

Assessing the Impact of Hybrid Work Models on Work Quality

This project sought to understand the factors that influence the degree of quality of work experienced by workers in Nova Scotia in traditional, hybrid and virtual work setups, and how employers in the province can enhance the work experience.

The Lingering Effects of COVID-19

This report helps to fill the information gap by documenting how many Canadians have missed work or school due to COVID-19 in the 12 months prior to the time of the survey in March 2023, and the length of their absences.

Skills Needs for Workers in Ontario's Growing Zero-Emissions Vehicles Sector

These reports provide insight into skills needs for workers in Ontario’s growing zero-emissions vehicles and battery manufacturing sectors, and what steps can be taken by government, industry, and educational institutions to support workers in this transition.

ChatGPT: Organizational and Labour Implications

ChatGPT, which stands for Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer, is a text-generating AI chatbot developed by OpenAI and launched on November 30, 2022. This briefing examines the influence of ChatGPT usage on organizations and workers. Which roles are most impacted by using ChatGPT and which are the least impacted? For which skill does generative AI have the largest organizational implications? Are there concerns about ChatGPT’s safety and security and, if so, how should they be addressed? Read the issue briefing to get our full analysis.

Participation in Skills Training: A Report from the Survey on Employment and Skills

The latest wave of the Survey on Employment and Skills, conducted in March 2023, revisits the issue of access to skills training. Three years after the onset of the pandemic, it finds that more workers are participating in work-related training to improve their skills, while training is becoming less focused on the management of the pandemic. It also shows that the most common type of training is that which focuses on workplace health and safety. The survey finds that working from home does not appear to have posed a barrier to skills training to date, as those who have switched to working from home are more likely than those who continue to work in their regular workplace to access training to improve their skills.

Levelling the Playing Field for Black Canadians

In this research, we look at how Black Canadian professionals’ social and emotional skills are valued in the workplace and how leaders can cultivate a workplace where everyone feels empowered and included. How do Black Canadians see their racial identity impacting the recognition and evaluation of their social and emotional skills (SES) at work? What are the risks of an employees’ skills not being recognized? What are the benefits of realizing the diverse skill sets within an organization? Read the impact paper to get the full analysis.

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