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179 results

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Rising Skills: Digital Skills Needs for Smart and Connected Vehicles

As the automotive industry shifts toward smart and connected vehicles, tradespeople who service cars, trucks, heavy duty equipment, and other vehicles will need stronger digital competencies. This briefing looks at how stakeholders in the automotive sector can reduce barriers to digital upskilling for both apprentices and journeypersons.

Rising Skills: A Toolbox Talk on Social and Emotional Skills in the Construction Trades

This report looks at the social and emotional skills that construction tradespeople will need to participate in an industry that is becoming increasingly multi-generational and diverse.

Labour Demand Trends During the COVID-19 Pandemic

This report is based on an analysis of online job postings in the pre-pandemic and pandemic periods. We discuss both changes in total job postings and changes in job postings across geography, occupations, skills, and sectors.

Indigenous STEM Access Programs: Leading Post-Secondary Inclusion

This Issue briefing discusses the impact of current programs for Indigenous learners in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics in post-secondary education. They are one approach to increase Indigenous inclusion in these fields.

Scoping Paper: Skills for the Post-Pandemic World

This paper contributes to the development of a post-pandemic skills agenda by clarifying broad changes and continuities in the economy and society that could have implications for skills and identifying a set of key themes on which further research is needed to better understand the challenges and opportunities which we face

A Foundation For the Next Normal: Outlook of Technology Adoption & its Impact in the Canadian Workplace

This document reflects results on a prospective future before a seismic shift occurred. The research we present here is no longer a good indication of what is to come, but a good indication of how things were.

Learning Together: STEM Outreach Programs for Indigenous Students

In Learning Together: STEM Outreach Programs for Indigenous Students, we were interested in free STEM programs, not run by the formal education system, that target Indigenous children in Kindergarten to Grade 12. We surveyed these programs across Canada to learn more about how they reach Indigenous youth.

Twin Efforts: Opportunities for Collaboration in Indigenous Post-Secondary Educationexternal link icon

Indigenous Institutes play an essential role in helping Indigenous peoples—Canada’s fastest-growing population—prepare for the labour market. And they bring a distinctly Indigenous lens to higher education.

A Typology of Gig Workers in Canada: Towards a new model for understanding gig work through human, social, and economic capital

This paper offers a conceptual framework and preliminary typology of gig work and workers, based on a thorough review and synthesis of the existing research, designed to be tested “in the field” with real gig workers themselves.

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