Innovation Projects

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194 results

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Strength in Structure

The Canadian Council for Youth Prosperity’s Strength in Structure project engaged Black youth and Black-focused, Black-led and Black-serving, or B3, community organizations to develop a toolkit intended to improve delivery of services to meet the needs of Black youth job seekers.

Building Capacity in Indigenous Early Childhood Education

The project explores how Indigenous communities can be engaged in the care and education of their children and how they might advocate for better and more equitable services and programing.

The Impact of Remote Work on Engineering

The Ontario Society of Professional Engineers sought to understand the impact on productivity and work culture of remote work in this industry, whether some equity seeking groups are disadvantaged, and to identify organizational strategies for adapting.

Training our Career Development Professionals

This project sought to understand the challenges faced by practitioners as a result of the increasing role of technology in this industry and to shed light on the skills and supports these professionals and their clients need in future.

Calgary Regional WIL Secretariate and Portal 

Work-integrated learning (WIL) gives people the chance to apply the skills they have learned in the classroom while gaining on-the-job experience and pathways to meaningful...

Career Advancement for Immigrant Professionals 2.0

Help underemployed immigrant professionals overcome barriers to career advancement and help employers retain and leverage newcomer talent.

Tech-enabled learning programs for the mining industry

Project will be three two-week unique, demand-driven, and blended-learning training programs using VR, eLearning, simulations and in-field competency assessment. Final equipment selection will be aligned to meet the demand-driven needs of the industry partners.

InTeRN: a young, northern workforce enters the world of ICT

A two-year network computer technology program geared to providing entry level skills and supports to Indigenous youth in Northern Manitoba.

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