Innovation Projects

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Cook to connect

The program addresses challenges most newcomers to Canada face in the first five years after their arrival when searching for employment; a lack of Canadian experience and language barriers specific to a work context. To that end, the C2C program provides culinary instruction, English-language lessons and experience in a catering kitchen workplace.

Improving the quality of work in Canada: Prioritizing mental health with diverse and inclusive benefits

This research examines the relationship between access to benefits and quality of work in the current Canadian context, with a central focus on mental health and well-being, diverse forms of care and greater inclusion for those without benefits.

Employer and Employee Perceptions of Microcredentials

This study evaluates emerging evidence on microcredentials and examines how employers and learners assess their value as a measure of quality of work.

State of skills: Better labour market transitions for mid-career workers

The future labour market will be a tumultuous one, as it will be shaped in part by a transition to a “net-zero carbon” economy, an increasing pace of workplace technological change, globalization and other forces. Canadian workers will face rapid shifts in labour and skills demand between sectors, and pressure to upgrade their knowledge and skills.

State of Skills: Digital Tools in the Skills Ecosystem

Canada has lagged behind other OECD countries in providing digital skills development and career services delivery online. However, the pandemic forced many career development providers to stop in-person delivery, creating incentive for the sector to innovate and move, at least temporarily, to delivering services online.

Mapping racialized experiences in the real estate development industry

The real estate development industry is vital to Canada’s economy, but there is low representation of racialized professionals in the industry. This makes the sector less responsive to diverse community needs than it could be and limits its ability to address the worsening housing crisis.

Skills for Innovation: International Case Studies

Canada’s domestic manufacturing sector is missing out on opportunities to compete with the rest of the world because innovative employers are unable to find workers with the skills they need, and workers are unsure about what they need to stay relevant.

Laying Foundations: Technological maturity in Canada’s construction sector

In this research project, the Brookfield Institute conducted interviews and surveys with 14 industry leaders from 11 firms spanning three broad sub-sectors across the country. The objective was to improve understanding of what is contributing to the low uptick of technological innovation in the construction sector.

Skills for a Clean Economy

Foresight Cleantech Accelerator Centre’s Skills for a Clean Economy project generated knowledge about employment opportunities in cleantech for workers at risk of disruption by the clean economy transition and the COVID pandemic.

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