Innovation Projects

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194 results

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Lighting Up the North

Yukonstruct designed Lighting Up the North, a suite of partner-focused programs with tailored support, connections to resources, and activities that help entrepreneurs spanning multiple target groups to be better equipped to step into entrepreneurship, grow businesses, and access the right funding for their ventures.

HireNext Artificial Intelligence (AI)-enabled Job Posting Tool 

The tool lets employers evaluate existing job postings’ structure and wording through an equity, diversity and inclusion lens, using artificial intelligence to identify underlying and implicit biases. The modified job postings are designed to be more accessible to equity-seeking groups, thus providing employers with a larger, more diverse pool of candidates.

A Newcomer Employment Resilience Network NL (NERN NL) - Optimizing Connections; Making the Match

The project demonstrated how sector-specific networks can improve job prospects for newcomers and foster collaboration among local employers and businesses. The initiative also showed the value of tailored mentoring and involving community agencies to better integrate newcomers into the job market.

Pathways and Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) for internationally trained and non-traditional applied health professionals

This project sought a better understanding of how PLAR is used, or can be used, to effectively accelerate learners through programs in the applied health sciences.

Gauging the Potential of Occupational Pluralism in Rural Atlantic Canada

This project assessed the potential contribution of expanded and modernized seasonal occupational pluralism — where workers combine different jobs in different parts of the year to generate their annual incomes.

Two-Eyed Seeing Network

Ongoing and persistent labour and skill shortages coupled with underemployment among key segments of the population, notably Indigenous youth have left the connections between industry and Indigenous populations to remain underdeveloped.

Virtualization of Experiential Learning Platforms and their Pedagogical Models

In response to this challenge, the British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT) tested the virtualization of training by building a platform that provided learners, instructors and researchers with remote access to a physical training environment.

Understanding the Relationship Between Quality of Work and Remote Work Support and Monitoring

This research examined the experiences and attitudes towards remote work in Canada for employees and supervisors and sought to understand how the arrangement has affected productivity, satisfaction, trust and well-being.

Quality of Work of Canada’s Contingent Workforce

This research sheds light on the reasons why people engage in gig work and the policy levers needed to mitigate the risks associated with this new form of employment.

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