Innovation Projects

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194 results

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Virtual learning for food and beverage manufacturers

Online training is customized and adapted to support workers in the Canadian food and beverage processing industry.

Atlantic Autism Supports and Employment Network (AASEN)

Individuals on the autism spectrum connect to job opportunities and local employment supports in Atlantic Canada

Skills for a clean economy

National research will identify regions and workforce segments disproportionately affected by the pandemic and scope project demand for roles and retraining required to advance the clean economy.

Doing it right

Yukon women in trades and technology will be empowered from research findings that examine barriers to success and offers peer support and solutions.

Students’ soft skills at CCNB

To ensure students experience a successful transition from their post-secondary education to the work market, CCNB is accompanying them in the development of interpersonal and soft skills, thus contributing to meet New Brunswick’s employers’ expectations of well-qualified future workers.

Free education for an inclusive economy

This research project examines free education in a town grappling with unemployment and recession.

Workforce 2030: Rapid upskilling for green building

More than 500 workers affected by the pandemic will benefit from training in the green building sector to transition to in-demand jobs.

College Transformation des Collèges

Colleges in the Atlantic Region have partnered to advance a collaborative vision built on innovation and equity to transform the college system. Through a virtual Innovation Centre and a series of cutting-edge pilot projects that form the College Transformation des Collèges initiative, member colleges will engage with a broad range of partners to design, deliver and evaluate high-impact innovations.

Early Childhood Education Lab

We are looking to understand what it means for educators to thrive in their career; what supports do they need to learn and apply best practices?

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