Innovation Projects

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194 results

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The autonomous microfactory

This pilot project focuses on skills training in digital fabrication, automation, and collaborative robotics, using new technologies for contactless fabrication and autonomous construction.

Shock-proofing skills for the not-for-profit sector

Current and future not-for-profit managers will gain knowledge and skills to build resilience and growth in the sector as it addresses social needs.

Forestry skills through immersive education for rural and remote communities

This project supports northern, rural, and Indigenous communities in Alberta to deliver technical and practiced competencies in forestry.

Capturing change in Indigenous labour markets

This project will develop and test a novel solution to document real-time changes in Indigenous labour markets to track and respond to labour market change.

REAL school

This learning program aligns Black, Indigenous and racialized youth with careers based on their interests, personality traits, and skill sets.

ELITE program for Black youth

Black youths gain access to hands-on learning and paid work-integrated training in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics fields and entrepreneurship.

Reskilling displaced retail workers

This project supports the design of a reskilling of displaced retail workers in Ontario, with a focus on racialized and Indigenous youth.

From policy to action

Two groups collaborate to address the social and economic impact of COVID-19 on local and equity-deserving communities by developing ways to leverage the economic power of anchor institutions.

Path to customer success

This project will assist diverse and marginalized women who have lost their jobs in the service sector, equipping them with the key skills, tools and mindset for resilient careers in the IT sector.

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