Innovation Projects

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194 results

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The future of food through agricultural technology

This ground-breaking research explores the potential of cellular agriculture – food created in a lab – to create a year-round supply of nutritious food and develop jobs in an exciting new field.

Minimizing gaps in Indigenous early learning

This project aims to find solutions to the shortage of trained Indigenous early learning and child care workers for Micmac communities.

Monitoring climate change in the Northwest Territories

This project builds local capacity for community-based monitoring of towers to measure climate change in the Northwest Territories.

Empowering young moms in Northern Manitoba

Young mothers benefit from career exploration, development and skill building.

Digital transformation in applied learning

Virtual learning will enhance student success in training programs on information technology, agriculture and food chain supply, health care, manufacturing and warehousing sectors.

Futureproofing the PSW workforce

Personal support workers (PSWs) will engage in timely and accessible education, partnered advocacy, and professional development in key areas that respond to their needs on the job.

Impact of remote work on engineering and technology jobs

This project will study the impact of working-from-home on new graduates, women and newcomers to Canada in engineering and technology jobs.

Enhancing skills among persons with disabilities

Persons with disabilities can enhance their employability by acquiring professional knowledge, skills, and attitudes that match labour market needs.

Learning outside together

Early care and learning professionals gain knowledge and skills related to outdoor play and Indigenous approaches to “land as teacher”, in collaboration with First Nations and Métis communities.

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