Innovation Projects

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194 results

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MindFrame Connect

This project will create evidence-based programming needed to develop the mindset and resilience of Canada’s high-performing entrepreneurs and elevate the craft of mentorship.

Canadian cybersecurity skills and talent transformation

This project aims to transform the Canadian cybersecurity sector into a field that is inclusive and better positioned to meet the soaring demand for cybersecurity specialists in the country.


Craft, an online marketplace, enables artists and designers to sell their work and services while developing skills to thrive in a just economy.


This project is a bridging program for students and workers in Newfoundland & Labrador that supports training in the skilled trades sector.

Newcomer inclusion in Quebec small to medium enterprises

This project will help the manufacturing sector identify and improve the experience of onboarding immigrants to jobs in small to medium enterprises outside of large, gateway cities.

Securing sustainable northern fisheries

This partnership supports small-scale Arctic fisheries by introducing and promoting locally harvested products to Canada’s sustainable seafood market.

Northern entrepreneur development network

This project creates a network to improve access to tools and training to help people in Yukon to build resilient businesses that are innovative, agile and forward-thinking.

Yukon skills research and engagement

This research will examine and support Yukon as it recovers from the economic impact of COVID-19 while fostering resilience to prepare for future shocks.

Smart systems and digital technologies for a new era

A network of resources will be created from industry, municipalities, and McMaster University to facilitate accelerated adoption of ground-breaking digital technologies.

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