Innovation Projects

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194 results

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Roadmap for workforce development in Newfoundland and Labrador

People in rural and remote areas of Newfoundland and Labrador face unique challenges in terms of employment and skills development. This project addresses the need...

Strength in structure

This project aims to improve the way Black youth experience and navigate the world of work. Job search outcomes among Black young people have historically...

Unleashing learning management systems

This project supports training and skills development needs among small and medium enterprises (SMEs) across Canada and fosters more inclusive workplaces.

Black African and Caribbean entrepreneurship and leadership training program (BACEL)

This project will deliver training in entrepreneurship, networking and mentorship that strengthens and supports the Black business community.

Best foot forward: Reskilling human resources for high-risk foot care

This project will examine the health human resources and health care needs to improve the management and treatment of foot care for persons with diabetes, as well as to enhance the efficiency of the health care system.

Building resilience in the bio-economy

This project aims to help Canada’s bio-economy become more agile and resilient. It will engage BioTalent Canada’s network to research and evaluate innovative practices and technologies used by agile, resilient, and diverse Canadian bio-economy employers to excel in highly disruptive economic situations.

Test the waters: Competencies for the sustainable blue economy

This research project aims to develop national standards for jobs related to sustainable use of ocean resources, also known as the “blue economy”.

National workforce strategy for agriculture and food & beverage manufacturing

This project will address persistent and growing labour and skills shortages affecting Canada’s agriculture and food processing industries.

Navigating a changing workforce

This project aims to provide career intelligence and access to targeted training for professionals in the public service to help them navigate the changing workforce.

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