L’apprentissage des langues pour les jeunes nouveaux arrivants

This project seeks to provide post-admission support for English as an Additional Language (EAL) diploma students who are pursuing skilled jobs in BC and across the country. Through language supports that are specific to the participants’ discipline, language assessment, and hands-on practical experience, the project aims to create innovative content and language integrated curricula, develop language assessment tools, and build relationships with industry sponsors to provide authentic job application and interviewing experience.

The focus will be supporting young newcomers and international students enrolled in intensive, two-year diploma programs. Many of these students enter diploma programs seeking technical and other highly skilled careers, but some students risk failing or dropping out because of the rigours of post-secondary study in English. Others may prevail through their studies yet struggle to land a job in their desired profession due to lack of job application experience or low English communication skills. Although some students persevere through their studies, they graduate only to be met with barriers during their first job applications and interviews. This project seeks to reduce these barriers through language skill and confidence building learning options.

Group of students around a table smiling.

Future Skills Centre is investing $ 500,240.98 into this innovative, 2-year project. This initiative will focus on providing specific English language development and coping strategies for young future skilled workers through language skills support, confidence-building curricula, post-admission language assessment, and real-world experiences with industry sponsors. Organizers envision that the project will have a positive impact on EAL students’ well-being and resiliency in their academic, psychosocial, and professional lives.


Ce projet sera évalué à l’aide d’outils et de méthodes qui concordent avec ses objectifs, son contexte et son stade de développement. L’évaluation mettra l’accent sur la production de données probantes pertinentes et au bon moment, afin de faire progresser l’intervention. Lisez-en plus sur notre stratégie d’évaluation.

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