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  • Sectors in transition

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Skills Matching and Opportunities in Wood Manufacturing

The Wood Manufacturing Council (WMC), with support from the Conference Board of Canada (CBoC), launched the Skills Matching and Opportunities in Wood Manufacturing project to address the gap between job seekers' desires for viable and desirable career transitions and the recruitment challenges faced by the wood manufacturing sector.

On the Frontlines of Crisis Training Program

During the COVID-19 pandemic, there was an increased demand for food production and distribution services from non-profit community service organizations, and an increased need for workers with the right mix of skills to meet this demand. In response, Weston Frontlines Centre created the Frontlines of Crisis Training Program, a 15-week hybrid training program to prepare young people with skills relevant for food production and distribution in the non-profit sector. 

Creating a Microlearning Model for the Canadian Mining Industry

The mining industry is suffering from labour shortages that are expected to worsen. The industry needs to invest in training to ensure that new and existing workers gain and maintain the skills to do their jobs effectively. However as mining is a 24-hour operation, it leaves  very little room for workers to step away to participate in training. 

Navigating Net-Zero: Faculty Perspectives on Greening Post-Secondary Curricula

To successfully transition to a net-zero economy, Canada will require workers with the skills and knowledge needed to fill green jobs, but sectors connected to the green economy face skills gaps and talent shortages around the globe.

Accelerating the Smooth Adoption of Smart Systems

In recent years, young people have faced difficulties in the labour market. Pandemic lockdowns impacted school and work for most young people, alongside accelerated technological change and the increasing prevalence of gig work (characterized by short-term, on-demand, and task-based labour) have all had negative impacts on quality of work for young people. 

Planning for Sustainable Jobs 101

These reports provide insight into skills needs for workers in Ontario’s growing zero-emissions vehicles and battery manufacturing sectors, and what steps can be taken by government, industry, and educational institutions to support workers in this transition.

Emerging agricultural technologies and the future of food: Exploring potential

Cellular agriculture is a suite of technologies to grow proteins indoors, with minimal or no use of live animals. Products have the potential to be local, reliable dairy and meat alternatives with low environmental footprints and can be produced in industrial, urban and rural spaces.

Skills Needs for Mass Timber Production and Adoption in British Columbia

These reports provide insight into skills needs for workers in Ontario’s growing zero-emissions vehicles and battery manufacturing sectors, and what steps can be taken by government, industry, and educational institutions to support workers in this transition.
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