job matching
Tools and resources for gaming and digital media entrepreneurs
Founders of interactive digital media or game studio businesses who are racialized, BIPOC or LGBTQIA+ benefit from a toolkit and program that makes entrepreneurship in this sector accessible to more Canadians.
VILA: Virtual inclusive learning academy
Adults with physical and cognitive challenges participate in a virtual hub that offers life skills, academic support and job training.
Helping displaced workers reskill in advanced manufacturing
Sanjiv Uthayakumar had worked in the printing industry maintaining the presses that produced newspapers and flyers in Ontario for several years, when the long simmering downturn in media and declining advertising dollars started to threaten his job security.
BOLD: Better Outcomes in Layoffs and Downsizing
Retraining and skills development project for manufacturing and steel workers
EDGE UP: Energy to Digital Growth Education and Upskilling Project
Digital upskilling project to transition displaced energy sector workers
Indigenous ICT Development Centre
Exploring approaches to build awareness and capacity in the information and communications technology sector for Indigenous youth and underemployed communities.
Project Integrate
Testing an integrated assessment model and job matching for youth job seekers
FAST: Facilitating Access to Skilled Talent
Testing expanded occupation streams for an online skills assessment and development platform to help newcomers better enter the labour market.
ADaPT: Digital competencies
New skills training program to test a blended approach for digital and professional competencies.